
Street Maintenance

Streets Banner PhotoThe Public Works Department provides an ongoing street maintenance program with surface repairs that include: crack-sealing, micro-surfacing, cape-seal, overlay, and reconstruction. Street repairs require dry, warm weather conditions.  During spring, summer and early fall, many miles of streets are repaired, with pothole repairs conducted year-round. To prioritize repair locations, the City uses a pavement management system.

The pavement of all street segments is rated every 2-3 years and given a rating between 0 (worst condition) and 100 (recently paved) on a Pavement Condition Index (PCI). Based on available funds, PCI, traffic volume, other project conflicts, a list of streets is prioritized for surface repairs. Surface treatments help prolong the life of the street, reduce major repairs in the future, create safe streets, and minimize the inconvenience to drivers.

If you have any questions regarding repairs to your street or about our street maintenance program, please submit a service request form through Ask Stockton for Street Maintenance or call the Operation and Maintenance Service Center.

Rubberized Street Surfaces

Two streets resurfacing projects will provide a rubberized cape-seal resurfacing treatment in Summer 2024 and Fall 2024 on approximately eleven miles of streets throughout the City.  Rubberized cape-seal surface treatment is a two-step surface treatment.  First, rubberized chip-seal surfacing is applied, then it is slurry sealed. The rubber particles in the binder come from old used tires that are ground into crumb rubber particles.  The two projects will divert a total of 9,305 waste tires from California landfills.

The use of rubber in the chip-seal has proven to be a long-lasting, flexible surface and environmentally friendly.  After the rubberized chip seal is applied, streets are slurry sealed after 10 days to provide a smoother surface.  These projects are eligible to receive grant funding, up to $232,625 from the California Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery (CalRecycle).  Other funding for these projects is provided from the Gas Tax.

For more information about used tire and other recycling, please visit the CalRecycle website.

Last Update : 03/18/2024, 2:10:57 PM